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Creative Automation
May 22, 2023
December 18, 2023

Video Automation 101: Everything You Need to Know

Mrignayni Pandey

Video Automation 101: Everything You Need to Know

May 22, 2023
December 18, 2023
Mrignayni Pandey


Video has become an integral part of the digital marketing landscape, with businesses using it to drive engagement, build brand awareness, and ultimately, increase revenue. 

In today's fast-paced world, where consumers have shorter attention spans and an overwhelming amount of content to sift through, businesses must create content that stands out from the crowd. Video content can achieve this, but it can be time-consuming and expensive to produce. This is where video automation comes in.

In this article, we’ll learn what video automation is, how to use it in your business and best practices while incorporating video creation automation in your business.

What is video marketing and automation?

Video marketing is a type of marketing that involves the use of video content to promote or advertise a product, service, or brand. 

It can take many forms, including commercials, explainer videos, product demos, testimonials, and more. It has become increasingly popular in recent years due to the widespread use of social media platforms and the increasing demand for engaging, visual content.

Video marketing automation, on the other hand, involves the use of software tools to streamline and automate the video marketing process. These tools can help businesses create, distribute, and analyze video content more efficiently, saving time and resources.

Some common examples of video marketing automation tools include video creation software, which can help businesses create high-quality videos quickly and easily, and video hosting and distribution platforms, which can help businesses distribute their videos across multiple channels and track engagement metrics

Overall, video marketing automation can help businesses scale their video marketing efforts and achieve better results.

How does video automation maximize the potential of video marketing?

One of the reasons videos are so compelling is that growth marketers can use them at all stages of the buyer's journey, from qualifying leads to enhancing engagement and even providing customer service.

However, brands should be cautious of overexposure as showing the same video repeatedly can lead to customer frustration, ad blindness, and decreased brand equity. This is where video automation comes in to maximize the impact of video marketing.

Generates variants of the same video

Video automation can be used to generate multiple variants of the same video by utilizing tools and software that allow for automated editing, such as changing the colors, text, and length of a video.

By generating multiple variants of the same video, marketers can increase their reach, engagement, and conversion rates by tailoring the content to specific target audiences. It also allows them to test different variations to see which version performs best, ultimately helping them optimize their video marketing strategy. Additionally, video automation can help brands maintain brand consistency while creating a more diverse set of videos to reach a wider audience.

For example, a brand can create a core video message, and then use automation software to create multiple versions of the video with different lengths, messaging, or branding to target different audiences on various platforms. Marketers can also use automation to create videos in different languages or with different visual effects.

Helps create hyper-personalized videos

Video automation can be used to create hyper-personalized videos by utilizing data and technology to dynamically generate video content based on user behavior, preferences, and other data points.

Video automation can also be used to create personalized calls-to-action within a video, such as inviting the viewer to sign up for a newsletter or visit a specific landing page. This level of personalization can help increase engagement and conversion rates by creating a more tailored experience for the viewer.

For example, a brand can use automation to personalize videos with the viewer's name, location, and other demographic data. They can also use automation to create videos that are specifically targeted towards users who have recently viewed or purchased a certain product. 

Resizes videos automatically

Video automation can help resize videos easily according to different platforms by utilizing software that automatically resizes videos based on specific platform requirements. 

Different social media platforms have different specifications and aspect ratios for videos, and video automation software can automatically adjust the video dimensions to match each platform's requirements.

It can also help ensure that videos are optimized for different devices and screen sizes, such as mobile phones or desktop computers. By using automation software, marketers can resize videos quickly and easily, without the need for manual editing, which can save time and resources.

For example, Instagram and Facebook videos have different aspect ratios than YouTube videos. By automating the resizing process, marketers can ensure that their videos are optimized for each platform, and look their best.

Eliminate the hassle of recording audio

Video automation tools can eliminate the hassle of adding voiceovers and voices to your video by using text-to-speech (TTS) technology. TTS technology converts written text into spoken words, allowing automation tools to generate voiceovers for videos automatically.

This saves time and resources, as well as eliminates the need for a recording studio or equipment.

Some video automation tools also offer the option to add custom voices, which can be created by recording a set of phrases that the tool can then use to generate a unique voiceover. This can be particularly useful for brands that want a specific tone or style of voice for their video content.

Automate brand governance

Video automation tools can automate brand governance by providing a centralized platform for managing and enforcing brand guidelines across all video content. These tools can help ensure that all videos are consistent with the brand's visual identity, messaging, and tone, which is essential for building brand recognition and trust.

Here are some ways that video automation tools can automate brand governance:

  • Templates: Automation tools can provide pre-designed templates that adhere to the brand's visual identity and design guidelines. Marketers can customize these templates to fit their specific video content needs, while still maintaining brand consistency.
  • Brand asset libraries: Video automation tools can provide a centralized library of brand assets, such as logos, images, and video clips, that are approved for use in videos. This helps ensure that only authorized assets are used in videos, further enforcing brand guidelines.
  • Workflow and approval processes: Video automation tools can provide automated workflow and approval processes to ensure that all videos meet the brand's standards before being published. This can include review and approval steps for video content, as well as ensuring that all video assets used in the videos are approved for use.
  • Analytics and performance tracking: Automation tools can provide analytics and performance tracking features, which allow marketers to monitor how videos are performing against key performance indicators (KPIs). This data can be used to make informed decisions about future video content and ensure that videos are aligned with the brand's goals.

3 tips for video creation automation

Here are some things you should keep in mind before you start using a video creation automation tool. 

Determine your objective

Defining objectives for video creation automation is important because it helps to ensure that your video content is aligned with your overall marketing strategy and goals. 

Without clear objectives, it can be easy to create videos that are off-message or do not effectively communicate your intended message. 

This can lead to wasted resources and missed opportunities for engagement with your target audience. 

Choose a video automation software

When choosing a video automation software for your team, consider the following factors:

  • Ease of use: Look for a software that is user-friendly and has a simple interface that allows you to easily create and edit videos.
  • Features: Consider the specific features you need for your team, such as video editing, resizing, or customization options.
  • Integrations: Check if the software integrates with the other tools your team uses, such as social media platforms, analytics software, or content management systems.
  • Cost: Determine if the cost of the software fits within your team's budget and if it offers a good return on investment.
  • Customer support: Ensure that the software provider offers reliable customer support and technical assistance to help your team troubleshoot any issues that arise.
  • Security: Verify that the software has robust security measures in place to protect your team's data and sensitive information.
  • Reviews: Research online reviews and ratings from other users to get an idea of the software's strengths and weaknesses.

Create video templates 

Creating video templates on your video automation software can save your team time and improve the consistency of your video content.

Also, you can establish a consistent brand look and feel for your videos, including colors, fonts, logos, and other visual elements. This ensures that all of your videos have a consistent look and feel, which can help to build brand recognition and awareness.

In addition, creating templates can also streamline the video creation process by eliminating the need to recreate common elements, such as intros, outros, or calls-to-action, for each new video.

Wrapping up

Video automation has become an essential tool for businesses looking to create high-quality video content quickly and efficiently.

However, it’s difficult to produce consistent, engaging content that resonates with their target audience. 

Video automation not only saves time and resources but also allows businesses to focus on their core competencies while leaving the video creation to the experts.

As businesses continue to compete for consumers' attention in an increasingly crowded digital landscape, video automation will become even more critical in helping them stand out from the crowd and achieve their marketing objectives.

Artwork Flow is a powerful creative automation tool that enables businesses to streamline their design and artwork creation processes, including label management. With its user-friendly interface and advanced features, Artwork Flow allows users to automate repetitive design tasks, generate artwork templates, and collaborate with team members in real-time. 

From creating product packaging to designing marketing materials, Artwork Flow can save you time and money while ensuring brand consistency across all design assets.

If you want to check out how Artwork Flow’s creative automation tool can help your organization, sign up for the free trial or demo and discover how it can transform your design process. 

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