Release Notes

Get all the latest Artwork Flow updates, fixes, and product improvements in one place! Find out what our team has been working on so you can achieve more for your brand every day.

Analytics phase 2

February 17, 2025
New Features

Refine your project insights with powerful new metadata filters. Filters can be applied through charts or within the detailed view of a metric.

What is a detailed view?

A granular breakdown of the chart data to provide in-depth details.

You’ll be able to find the following metrics with a detailed view:

  • Project Efficiency: Displays projects with start date, scheduled completion, actual completion, and whether they were completed on time or late.
  • Project Duration: Shows projects with start date, scheduled and actual completion, and how many days they were over or under the expected timeline.
  • File Revisions: Displays file names (hyperlinked to their file journey), revision count, and associated projects.
  • Task Efficiency (By assignee): Lists tasks (by user) with start date, scheduled completion, actual completion, and whether they were completed on time or late.

Who can access detailed view:

  • Admin: Can view data for the entire account.
  • PMs: Can view data for the projects they created.

New feature alert: ComplyAI and project workflows

December 2, 2024
New Features


Table Rule for nutrition facts

You can now set up custom rules to specifically check the Nutrition Facts table on your artwork, ensuring it meets the FDA guidelines.

How it works:

  • Select tables from the ComplyAI rulebook.
  • Choose from any six FDA table formats, including:
    1. Vertical display (micronutrients listed side-by-side)
    2. Tabular format
    3. Dual column display (per serving and per container)
    4. Tabular display (for small or intermediate-sized packages)
    5. Linear display (for intermediate-sized packages)
    6. Linear display (for small packages)
  • Insert values for each field with the flexibility to edit or remove multiple fields as needed.
  • With AI, verify:
    1. Font size and style for nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.
    2. Amount of nutrients in units and percentages.

Bulk report generation for multiple artworks

You can generate a single report for multiple artworks run in bulk to be checked against a ComplyAI rulebook with the new Bulk Report feature.

Projects and workflows

New Analytics Dashboard

Make smarter decisions and fast track projects with access to the major key insights of a project including:

  • Projects completed
  • Average project duration
  • Best performer (user with the most on-time task completions)
  • Average file revisions


ComplyAI Updates

December 2, 2024
New Features

Multi-Language Support for Spell Check Rule

You can now select from 38 languages when adding spell check rule to a rulebook, with English remaining the default language.


Introducing Teams on Artwork Flow

New Features

Teams is our latest update built to help you drive collaboration during projects and improve the quality of your outcomes at every stage.

How it works:

  • Teams can be found in your profile settings under ‘Users & Teams
  • The section now contains 2 tabs—Users for individual users within your organization and Teams for any group of users you’d like to club together.
  • Select the Teams tab to manage the teams you set up for your organization.
  • Click on Create Team to add users to a new team

Once your team is set up, you can include it in your regular activities like:

  • Assign tasks to a team instead of looking for each user individually.
  • Share projects directly with any team you prefer.
  • Notify teams about any task pending with them.
  • Tag teams in chats, annotations, and more.

Projects & Workflows Weekly Updates

September 2, 2024
New Features

Project ID display

A new column for Project ID has been added to the project listing screen next to the project name column.

  • You can easily copy the Project ID for quick reference.
  • The project listing screen now allows you to hide or display individual columns. The column for the project name will always be visible.

ComplyAI Weekly Updates

August 19, 2024
New Features

Identify text styling during import 

Import rulebooks to ComplyAI with all of your styling and case specifications intact!


Projects & Workflows Weekly Updates

August 19, 2024
New Features

New metadata field type

You can now create custom metadata fields with a Date data type for both projects and tasks.

Use the date picker to select any date for your projects and tasks.


Projects & Workflows Weekly Updates

August 2, 2024
New Features


New Dashboard metric: Project by status

Admins and Project Managers now have a clear overview of project status with counts for overdue, ongoing, paused, and projects that haven’t started yet.

Admins can view data for all projects, while Project Managers can view data only for the projects they created.

Bugs and improvements

Clear archiving warning: The warning message for archiving projects now explicitly states that projects cannot be unarchived.

Terminology updates: "Active files" and "Reference files" have been renamed to "Files for review" and "Supporting documents" respectively across the platform.


Read More Between The Lines With Advanced Text Checks

July 31, 2024
New Features

Now, review words or phrases in your artwork files with advanced rules that look for everything from font styling to letter casing and more!

Styling check: You can choose to look for styling within any Word or phrase rule. Any mismatch will be highlighted with a Style error tag.

Case check: You can check whether the case used in your Word or phrase rule matches the text on the artwork file. Any mismatch will be highlighted with a Case error tag.

Ignore options: You can choose to ignore case and/or styling at a rule level. This allows flexibility when these aspects aren't critical

Font and size check: You can specify font types and sizes for individual phrases. ComplyAI will flag mismatches with a font tag/size tag error

Docx and Artwork Flow Doc import: You can preserve text styling when importing from Docx or Artwork Flow Doc files.

One-click rule editing: You can now edit previously written rules with a single click.


Projects & Workflows Weekly Updates

July 18, 2024
New Features

Improved Dashboard experience

Do more with your Dashboard with an enhanced experience as you browse the tasks that need attention.

  • Search tasks for attention by name for easier identification.
  • The assignee column in this section now only shows users with whom the task is pending.
  • You can also filter these tasks based on task metadata. 

Introducing overprint control

Check your files for instances of overprinting during the review process. 

  • The overprint mode will be turned on by default during every review.
  • To view print colors individually in your artwork within the Color viewer, you will need to keep overprint mode on.
  • Overprint mode will also remain on by default within Compare mode. 


ComplyAI Weekly Updates

June 27, 2024
New Features

Create rulebooks with a single click 

Import any document or Excel file to create rulebooks instantly! 

We’ve included a template within ComplyAI to help you import your files in the right format and get reviewing right away.

Link Artwork Flow Docs with your projects

You can now upload Artwork Flow Docs directly to upload tasks in your projects. You can also compare files with a chosen Artwork Flow Doc during your review.


Introducing Update Tasks

June 11, 2024
New Features

Now, you can transfer files directly from your ongoing projects to the library without having to wait till the project is completed! The all-new Update Task allows you to update project files to a designated file in the library directly from your workflow.

Upon completion:

  • The file will be updated as a new version of the chosen library file.
  • An audit log entry is displayed for each updated file along with the original library file.
  • The project creator will receive an email notification about the update.


Build ComplyAI Rules With Advanced Logic

May 20, 2024
New Features

Now, you can also set up rules that run only if certain conditions are met, which means less work for you and more accuracy in your results!

So, how does this work? Let’s take a look!

  • You can choose between ‘Words or phrases’, ‘Logo’, or ‘Image’ checks for the first rule.
  • You can choose between ‘Words or phrases’, ‘Logo’, ‘Image’, or ‘Font’ checks for your second rule.
  • The second rule will only run on the artwork if the first rule is passed. 
  • Detailed results for both rules will be displayed if the first rule passes on the artwork.


Introducing Artwork Flow Docs

May 17, 2024
New Features

Say hello to Artwork Flow Docs — a solution that will help you keep your copy, product information, and other details consistent throughout the project lifecycle. 

Here’s how you can use Docs for your operations:

  • Build spec sheets, creative briefs, copy docs, and more.
  • Include tables, lists, and images to enrich your data.
  • Format text efficiently to make every doc easy to consume.
  • Add text and image rules for automated compliance on ComplyAI from any doc.


Projects & Workflows Weekly Updates

May 16, 2024
New Features

Pause projects at any time

Admins and Project Managers can now pause ongoing projects, putting them on hold.

When a project is paused:

  • Your project status changes from "In Progress" to "On Hold."
  • The status for tasks in progress changes to "On Hold".
  • Users can't edit assignees, due dates, or checklists. Files within the project, however, can still be edited. 
  • Overdue notifications for paused project tasks are disabled.
  • Paused tasks won't be displayed on the task listing page and dashboard.
  • Paused projects and tasks are shown as a blue timeline in Gantt charts.
  • File status reflects the corresponding task's "On Hold" status.

When a project is resumed:

  • The status of the project changes from "On Hold" to "In Progress".
  • The status of tasks on hold changes to "In Progress".
  • Any tasks in progress will be displayed again on the task listing page and the dashboard.


ComplyAI Weekly Updates

May 8, 2024
New Features

Run ComplyAI on multiple files

Check all your files for compliance in one go! Now, you can select multiple files or folders and run any rulebook of your choice on them. 

  • ComplyAI will run your checks in the background while you go about other tasks.
  • You will be notified once these checks are complete and ready to review.


Projects & Workflows Weekly Updates

May 3, 2024
New Features

Edit assignees while projects are in progress

If you’re an Admin or a Project Manager on Artwork Flow, you now have the option to:

  • Add or remove assignees from tasks at any stage (not started, in progress, completed).
  • Modify assignee settings for Review or To-do tasks.
  • Select multiple tasks and update assignees for these tasks in one go.


  • Removing an assignee will now result in their progress being lost.
  • Automatic assignee settings update (only for projects in progress): If the number of assignees assigned to a task falls below the required number specified in your settings (For example, when your setting says "Any 3 can complete" but only 2 assignees have been added), the settings will automatically adjust to "All assignees should complete the task."


Approved active files were not being moved to reference files when new files were uploaded in any workflow. This has now been fixed.


Projects & Workflows Weekly Updates

April 25, 2024
New Features

Filter projects by task metadata

You can now find projects from the list based on the latest metadata updated by the team in To-do tasks.

Note: This is an account-level configuration that is activated on request, reach out to our support team if you’d like to activate this feature for your account.

Enhanced security for critical actions 

Users will now need to verify their identity with a password when performing critical actions like:

  • Approve or reject a file.
  • Update a new version of an active file.
  • Move an active file to reference files.
  • Delete an active file.
  • Update a new version of a reference file

Note: This is an account-level configuration that is activated on request, reach out to our support team if you’d like to activate this feature for your account.

Download reports in PDF format

Users can now download project-level, system-level, and audit log reports as PDFs.

Each downloaded PDF includes a footer with the name of the user who downloaded the report and the date and time details of the download.

Note: This is an account-level configuration that is activated on request, reach out to our support team if you’d like to activate this feature for your account.

Filter file annotations by status

You can now filter annotations within a file based on their status (resolved/unresolved).

  • By default, only unresolved comments are visible on the asset and annotation sidebar.
  • As soon as a comment is resolved, it will be hidden from the panel. 
  • You can view resolved comments by choosing the "Resolved" filter on the panel.
  • You cannot add new annotations while the “Resolved” filter is on.

ComplyAI Weekly Updates

April 24, 2024
New Features

View close matches in your results

While running a ‘Words or phrases check’, you might find some words or phrases don’t show up as a positive match despite being similar to the text you entered while setting up the rule. 

Now, you will find these words or phrases highlighted as positive ‘Close match’ results on the panel. 

Improved ‘None’ case results

For rules where none of the words or images should be present on the artwork, the results for missing words or images will now be shown with a green-colored minus icon for accuracy.


ComplyAI Weekly Updates

April 17, 2024
New Features

Smart rules for smarter proofing

As we continue to improve ComplyAI, we remain focused on making the complex world of regulatory compliance that much easier to navigate. Our latest improvements are aimed at helping you get more accurate results through a more layered approach to rule-building.

  • Instead of Preferred and Restricted Keywords, we’re introducing a more flexible ‘Words or phrases check’.
  • With this rule, you can now decide whether you’d like all, any, or none of the included words or phrases to be included in your artwork files.
  • The same conditions can be applied to images and logos.
  • When building any text or image-based rule, you can select the condition of your choice from the dropdown within the rule.

Once you run any of your rulebooks on an artwork, you will also be able to view detailed results by rule on the asset viewer.


Projects & Workflows Weekly Updates

April 12, 2024
New Features

Leave notes on tasks

Communicate better with your team during projects with the option to add notes to every task!

  • Team members can only edit or delete notes that they’ve created.
  • Notes can be filtered to view the most recent notes on any task.
  • Your team will be prompted with the option to add a note before they complete any task.
  • All notes added by your team will be visible in the audit logs after the task is completed.


Enjoy greater control over your projects

March 29, 2024
New Features

Edit checklists while projects are in motion

Artwork review projects always evolve to accommodate changing requirements. You may start with a clear set of objectives, but as the project moves along, your checklists might need to be updated to ensure reviews are carried out efficiently.

Now, admins and project creators can easily edit checklists even while your projects move through the workflow!

Here’s what you can do:

  • Add new checklist groups or items.
  • Rename, delete, check, and uncheck checklist groups or items.
  • Mark optional checklist items as mandatory (and vice versa).

You also have the option to leave notes for your team in case you’d like to explain why you’re updating the checklist.

Users can get details on checklist updates through:

  • Emails 
  • In-app notifications
  • Audit logs
  • Edit history

Note: While editing the checklist, you can use "Save" and "Cancel" on the modal to manage the checking or unchecking of items. All other actions are saved automatically.

Introducing an all-new interactive Dashboard

You can now leverage a powerful new dashboard to gain deeper insights into how your team and your projects are moving!

Here’s what each user can do with the new dashboard:

Admin: View insights for all projects within the account.

Project managers: View insights for projects they created, as well as projects they're a part of.

Team members: View insights for projects they’re a part of.

The dashboard is primarily defined by three metrics:

1. Tasks progress: A graphical representation of completed, overdue, and in-progress tasks assigned to you or the whole team, depending on your role.

You can filter data to display tasks for the day, the last 7 days, or the last 30 days, depending on your needs.

2. Tasks by status: Gives an overview of every task assigned since the account was created and its current status.

3. Tasks for attention: Draws attention to those tasks that may be overdue or almost overdue. Admins and project creators can notify assignees and nudge them to complete the task and keep things moving!

Compare tool enhancements

Navigate current or reference files:

You can now select either the current or the reference file within compare mode to zoom in or out, scroll, and rotate within the canvas.

The option to navigate these files can be found in the screen’s bottom left corner.

Combined navigation

While you can navigate each artwork individually, you can even scan both files together as you review them.  Our latest option, Combine, allows you to zoom or scroll two files simultaneously. 

Download checklist actions

You can now download a PDF report summarizing the actions taken on checklists by all assignees on a file. This report is accessible through the kebab menu of a file in the file status tab. 

The checklist actions report will include:

  • Project name
  • Project due date
  • Asset name
  • Asset link
  • Task name
  • Task due date
  • Assignee
  • Checklist actions taken
  • Review completion date
  • Task completion date.
  • Checklist groups and items.

Note: The report reflects actions taken on the latest version of the file.

Add comments through file status

Admins, project creators, and other users who are part of the project (except external members) can now add comments and reply to threads on files through the file status tab within projects that are in progress.

Enhanced Reporting with Time Stamps

All reports now display dates with timestamps reflecting your account's specific time zone. This applies to:

  • Individual project reports
  • Account-level project report
  • File journey
  • Account-level audit log

The updated date and time format is MM-DD-YY HH:MM AM/PM (12-hour format).

Complete projects manually

Project creators and admins can now complete in-progress projects with a single click. The "Mark as completed" button can be found in the kebab menu next to the project name. 

Here's what happens when a project is marked completed:

  • The project status is changed to "Completed."
  • The status of tasks in progress is changed to "Archived."
  • Project files are migrated to the asset library.
  • Users are notified by email, in-app notifications, and audit log entries.

Digital Asset Management Weekly Updates

March 8, 2024
New Features

Performance enhancements

Improved Brand Score assessment 

Analyze your brand compliance with an improved score assessment methodology. Now, if you have multiple fonts or colors in your brand guidelines, they will receive equal weightage while calculating the final score.


Protect your files with Asset Licensing

February 28, 2024
New Features

For any creative team, complying with licensing requirements across the wide range of assets at their disposal is essential. To make life easier for you, we’re introducing asset licensing to the Library.

  • Set expiry dates for every asset.
  • Once expired, the asset cannot be used on Artwork Flow.
  • License extensions can be requested on assets at any time.


ComplyAI Weekly Updates

February 28, 2024
New Features

Fixes and enhancements 

  • Page load speeds have been improved for ComplyAI. The list of Rulebooks will now load up to 80% faster than before.
  • Lag issues during Rulebook creation have been fixed.

Projects & Workflows Weekly Updates

February 22, 2024
New Features

Performance enhancements

Edit reference files in ongoing projects

After adding the option to edit active files within Projects, we’re making things more flexible for your team with the ability to also edit reference files.

Admins and project creators can now update any reference file within their projects with a new version at any time.

Text selection in file viewer

Work flexibly with your assets! You can now select and copy text from a number of file types within your Library. 

Supported file types: pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx.

Open files in a new tab

Files can now be opened in a new tab from both the asset library and task screen.


Projects & Workflows Weekly Updates

February 16, 2024
New Features

Performance enhancements

Introducing Edit History

A long time ago, in a project not so far away... Maintain a detailed history of file actions within any project — enjoy greater visibility and drive your team to meet their goals with greater accountability!

Here’s what you can track with Edit history:

  • Version updates of active files.
  • Deletion of active files.
  • Active files moved to reference files.
  • Version updates of reference files.
  • Checklist edits on review tasks.

Edit History can be accessed for every task through the 🕑 icon beside the Task name.


Studio Weekly Updates

February 12, 2024
New Features

Performance enhancements 

Scale Photoshop files faster

Get your PSD files scaled and published in no time with a fresh and friendly experience that lets you upload, map layers, and generate your variations faster than ever.


Digital Asset Management Weekly Updates

February 12, 2024
New Features

Performance enhancements

Search accuracy 

An improved search gives you greater control over your Library. Now, files can be found faster with a combination of words or phrases from the file name as well as the content within the file. 

Advanced comparison for images

Now give your images a thorough check with difference and flicker comparison modes for JPG files.


ComplyAI Weekly Updates

February 12, 2024
New Features

Performance enhancements

Test your Rulebooks with a quick run

Want to be sure you’re building your Rulebook right? Now, you can test them out even as you’re creating them! 

Choose ‘Quick run’ within the Rulebook, upload the file you’d like to test it on, and fire away!

Rulebooks ready to load

Rulebooks will now be pre-loaded when you open ComplyAI for a particular file. Anytime you open a file from the Library, the last used Rulebook will be available to apply on ComplyAI.

Multiple sectional checks 

Now multiple sectional checks can be run at once on any asset. The last run rulebook will be displayed on ComplyAI when the file is opened.


Project file edits made easy

February 7, 2024
New Features

Edit files while projects are in progress

So, your project is already underway when one of your active files needs to be updated. We’re introducing an option to delete or edit any active files within your project, so your team has the flexibility it needs to navigate every project with greater efficiency.

If you’re an admin or a project manager, here’s what you can do with active files in any project:

  • Delete an active file along with all its versions.
  • Move an active file to reference files. 
  • Update the version of an active file.

Note: An active file can only be moved or deleted when it’s not the only active file in the project.


Projects & Workflows Weekly Updates

January 16, 2024
New Features

Performance enhancements

Update active files

Now, you can upload new versions of active files throughout the project using upload tasks. 

Major Fixes

  • You can now scan .ai files for barcodes.
  • An option to copy barcode values and access linked content through hyperlinks is now available.

ComplyAI: Your friendly virtual compliance assistant

January 15, 2024
New Features

A click, a check, and on to the next! Meet brand, marketing, and regulatory guidelines effortlessly with the all-new ComplyAI. Our latest feature on the block will turn your compliance checks into a quick tick off the checklist with the power of AI and automation.

  • Build rulebooks with a variety of rules for grammar, spelling, language, fonts, and images.
  • Run all the compliance checks you need on your files.
  • Check the whole file or choose a part of the creative for a sectional check.
  • Get color-coded results on the file to mark errors faster.
  • Use smart suggestions on errors to make changes effortlessly.

Projects & Workflows Weekly Updates

January 9, 2024
New Features

New feature

Scan and verify barcodes

Now, you can effortlessly scan files to check for barcodes both in your library and during a review. 

  • Get the information housed in each barcode during the scan.
  • Check the position of every barcode in your files with a clear bounding box.
  • You can scan any PDF, JPEG, and PNG files for barcodes.
  • The scanner will display information that includes values, type, country, direction, and class.

Performance enhancements

Improved file upload experience

Now upload reference files and active files in one go seamlessly. Active files are those that will be eligible for any upcoming task actions like reviews, while reference files can only be viewed by users.

  • Complete upload tasks without an active file if only reference files are needed for the task.
  • The existing process of uploading reference files remains unchanged.

Projects & Workflows Weekly Updates

December 22, 2023
New Features

Performance enhancements

Multi-company login

If you’re a part of multiple company accounts, you can now choose the company account that you would like to log in to on the login screen. 

Manage projects and tasks with a refreshed experience

Working on your projects and tasks is now simpler with an improved layout and experience that allows you to search and sort them with ease. 


  • The workflow builder in templates had additional space at the bottom of the screen. This has now been fixed.
  • The metadata field columns on the task listing page are now updated for users logging in from multiple company accounts.

Managing time off just got easier

December 15, 2023
New Features

Feature update

Introducing leave scheduling

Taking some much-needed time off but not sure what to do about your tasks?

Schedule your leaves on the all-new out-of-office calendar, pick a replacement for your tasks, and jet off without a second thought!

  • Head over to the Leave Schedule tab in settings to configure your out-of-office calendar.
  • You can edit and delete out-of-office dates only until your leave begins.
  • During your out-of-office window, all of your tasks - new and in progress - will be assigned to your replacement.
  • If a user is picked as a replacement for a team member, the user will not be able to set the same out-of-office dates as the user they are replacing.

Your very own template hub

  • Store all your templates in one place with the new Templates tab.
  • Find any template you need instantly with search, filters, and sorting options.


Studio Weekly Updates

November 23, 2023
New Features

Performance enhancement

Do more with your designs on Studio! Now, you can easily crop the images you add to your canvas.

Simply double-click an image or select an image and press the crop icon on the bottom navigation bar to start cropping.


Studio Weekly Updates

November 9, 2023
New Features

Performance enhancements

  • Never lose your edits again! Your designs will now be saved after 5 seconds of inactivity, so you’re always ready to scale.
  • New keyboard shortcuts have been added to help you design faster. Use Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+Z to redo any action and use Tab or Shift tab to navigate faster around your canvas.
  • You can now select multiple objects on the canvas and choose the same action across these objects.


Projects & Workflows Weekly Updates

November 2, 2023
New Features

Performance enhancements

Metadata view on the Task list

  • Customize your task listing page with what columns you want to see.
  • Supports task metadata columns on the task listing page.

Save custom notifications with your Project templates

  • Now, when you save a project as a template, you can also save the custom notifications you created for each task.
  • While creating a project from any template, you can import the custom notifications and add or edit them in your workflow.


  • While moving folders, some folders could not be selected. This has now been fixed.
  • Added Custom metadata in emails notifying users about overdue tasks.
  • Multi-selection of tasks in the Project screen toolbar now does not overlap with the 'Add task' sidebar.

Digital Asset Management: An all-new user interface

October 25, 2023
New Features

Store, organize, and manage files more efficiently than ever with a new-look Library.

  • Exclusive tabs for different file types.
  • File viewer with advanced proofing tools.
  • Dedicated tab for folders.


The tools to drive project efficiency

October 13, 2023
New Features

Performance enhancements

This week, we've honed in on helping you drive efficiencies through your every day processes. Get more insight into your files and projects, streamline your creative workflows, and manage your projects efficiently with Gantt charts.

Detailed file-level view

A completely redesigned "File Status" section has been added to projects.

It contains two tabs:

  • Active Files - Files with active tasks
  • Other Files - Files without active tasks

The view includes detailed information about files, tasks, and assignees.

  • Information available at the file level:  Number of active tasks and number of users who need to complete them.
  • Information available at the task level: In each file, information is available about all active tasks, assignees, start and end dates, and minimum assignee settings.
  • Information available at the assignee level: In each file, at the task level, information is available about assignees, assignee status and the file action date.

Re-trigger workflows in ongoing projects

  • A workflow in any ongoing project can be started again from a certain point, while the progress made in the project is preserved.
  • From this point on, a branched workflow is initiated, which follows its own path with a set of new files.
  • This does not disrupt the original flow of tasks and files.
  • Admins or Project Managers can re-trigger workflows from any completed Upload task on the workflow.
  • The users involved are notified when the workflow is triggered again.

Gantt charts beta completed

Gantt charts are no longer in beta testing and the feature is live across the platform. Go ahead, try it for yourself, and let us know what you think!


Projects & Workflows Weekly Updates

October 6, 2023
New Features

Performance enhancements

Assignee settings for To-do Tasks

  • On to-do tasks, assignee settings are now available in the same way as on review tasks.
  • Admin and Project Managers will be able to decide on the assignees who need to complete a particular To-do task.

Customized Notifications feature enhancements

  • Instead of project metadata, users will now receive workflow-specific metadata in notifications.
  • In notifications, the metadata fields are now arranged in the same order as in project details.

Gantt charts, flexibility, and more!

September 29, 2023
New Features

Performance enhancements

We've worked on a number of helpful updates that will give you and your team greater control over your projects and project data. Here's a quick look for you at what we've been up to!

Interactive Gantt charts

  • You can now update the due date for a project that has not started as well as any in progress through its Gantt chart.
  • You can also update task due dates for projects that are in progress. 
  • The date can only be updated by the admin and the project manager

Excluding Weekends and Holidays while calculating due dates

  • Due days project settings now allow you to include weekends and non-working days while calculating task due dates.
  • This is implemented for any new tasks that will be triggered after this setting has been implemented.
  • The settings will be set at the account-level and can be different for each account.

Actioned Checklist items on Decision Task

  • In the Decision task, you can now see the checklist and checklist comments on files.
  • And only checklist items that have been approved and rejected are visible, while checklist items marked N/A are not.

Metadata display in Tasks

  • On the Task screen, a new tab named 'Metadata' will display workflow-specific metadata in a table.
  • This is applicable for Upload, Review and Decision Tasks.
  • This would be a view only table, you cannot edit any information on this tab.


  • On the To-do task, the 'Add more details' button has been moved alongside the 'Complete Task' button at the top. The button has also been renamed to 'Update Metadata'.
  • On Decisions and To-do Tasks, you can now view files and add annotations.
  • Different measurements in the proofing renderer will now appear in separate rows when using the measurement tool.

Projects & Workflows Weekly Updates

September 18, 2023
New Features

Performance enhancements

Gantt chart enhancements

Gantt charts now come with increased features and functionalities! 

  • Click on any task name (not project name!) on your left panel to be redirected to its timeline.
  • Click on 'Today' button in the legend to move the chart to the present day.
  • Focus on Gantt chart using the new ‘Full-screen’ mode.
  • Expand & collapse the "Weeks, Months, Year" bar if it interrupts your view.

Notification customization

Now setup custom notifications as easily as adding a task. Go to any task on your workflow, click on ‘Notify someone’, and enter the following information:

  • Whom to send.
  • A personalized message.
  • Custom metadata.


  • Now you won't be able to see "Archived" Projects on Project List by default (List view as well as Gantt view) - Try viewing through filter by status.
  • Updated the 'Print Compare' model for better results.
  • Now uploaded files go through an anti-virus scan. If any malware is detected, the file will be quarantined.

Studio: UI updates for a better experience

September 13, 2023
New Features

Performance enhancements

UI Changes 

  • The frame handle design has now been updated.
  • Rotate button is visible now along with an updated look.
  • Size of frame handles is dynamic now, based on the zoom level you are on. 
  • When you zoom in, you will see smaller frame handles and when you will zoom out, you will see a bigger frame handle.


When bulk creating on a template, there was an alignment issue in the variations panel. This has now been fixed.


Studio Weekly Updates

September 6, 2023
New Features

Performance enhancements

Improved image handling capabilities

It’s now easier to work with images of any size on the editor. Enjoy improved load times and smoother actions while you edit your heart out!

Font size synchronization

The font size in any text box is now in sync with the size of the box. Simply increase or decrease the size of a box to change the size of the font.


  • Minor experience issues fixed across the editor.
  • All old templates will be hidden.

Projects & Workflows Weekly Updates

September 1, 2023
New Features

Performance enhancements

Multi-select Task actions:

In any project, you can now select multiple tasks and take actions on them. The option is only available for projects that have not yet been started and can only be accessed by the admin and the project creator.

The following actions are available: 

  • Updating assignees
  • Adding due days/dates
  • Updating the checklist
  • Deleting tasks.

A search bar is available to find tasks based on their names and take further action on them. The task list tab header will also show how many tasks have been added to a project.


Studio Weekly Updates

August 30, 2023
New Features

Performance enhancements

Creative Scaling

  • Bulk Create will render previews of variations faster and newly-created templates will remain stable on the editor.
  • If a cell is left blank in a CSV upload or the input doesn’t match the format, the default element property will be considered for the particular variation as per the template.


  • Undo and Redo can be applied for all actions taken in the canvas.
  • Studio files can now be downloaded in both PNG & JPEG formats.
  • Long names for the templates will now be contained within the box limits.

Digital Asset Management Weekly Updates

August 23, 2023
New Features

Performance enhancements

Tag suggestions while adding tags

Now, when you’re adding new tags, the top five manual tags will be displayed based on the letters entered.

Tag experience

Spaces between words will now be supported in manual tags. This is applicable when adding tags to a single asset or to multiple assets.

Generate Library images with AI

  • You can now generate images using AI when no results are found for a query in the Library.
  • You will see a link, 'Cook something fresh with AI' when no results are found; clicking this will generate results using the keywords entered.
  • Not happy with the results yet? Generate more images using the 'Generate more' link.
  • You will have the option to either download or add these images to your library.

Search assets using asset ID

In the Library, you can now enter the asset ID of any asset to find it instantly.


  • Issues with Favorite & Update Tags actions on Select all assets.
  • Fixed download issues with multiple shared assets for external users.
  • Blank brand guidelines screen when user double clicks on the Brand button.

Projects & Workflows Weekly Updates

August 23, 2023
New Features

Feature update

Edit task duration during live projects

  • The admin or the project manager can now update the due dates and due days for tasks in any project that is in progress.
  • Due dates and days can now be changed for tasks that have not been started, are in progress, or have already been completed.
  • For in-progress tasks, the project manager & assignees will be notified via email of the change.
  • For tasks that have not been started or have already been completed, only the project manager will be notified via email.
  • There will also be corresponding updates to the Gantt chart, Project Report, and the Audit Log.


  • After tasks on any project were reassigned, notifications at the start of the project and tasks were still being sent to the older assignees.

Map your variations on Studio

August 21, 2023
New Features

Feature updates

Map input variables

Creating variations just got easier with a smoother CSV upload experience! 

  • Upload your file with input data arranged in rows and columns — don’t worry about the titles, we’ve got you covered!
  • Once your upload is complete, map each column on the CSV file to the corresponding layer on the editor.
  • Preview your variations and revise the mapped inputs if necessary.
  • Export your items in the sizes and formats you need!

Bring your PSDs onboard

Now, you can import your Photoshop files to Studio as templates and create variations using Bulk Create.

Smart resizing is here

Save time by automatically resizing your templates to generate creatives in multiple formats.

Enhancements and fixes

  • Background color can now be applied as a variable item.
  • The Create New Design modal has been updated.

Do more with your projects and workflows!

August 10, 2023
New Features

Performance enhancements

Adding project reference files in compare mode

In the Compare modal, the user will now be able to upload a project reference file. A new tab 'Project Assets' has been added so users can choose assets specifically from the ongoing project for a comparison.

Pre-fill To-do task metadata from Project-level metadata

The first To-do task in your project workflow will now be populated with the project details by default in the ‘Add more details’ section.

Asset storage for completed workflows

Earlier, only when a project was completed, project assets were added to the library.

Now, assets for each workflow in a project will be added to the library as soon as they have been completed.

Checklist Enhancements

A checklist group with the same name can now be created. The creation of checklist items with the same name within a checklist group is now restricted.

Updated Review task experience

File approval or rejection will now take into account the approval or rejection of an Optional Checklist item. Reviews can no longer be completed if Optional Checklist items are rejected.

Dashboard update

The 'Completed tasks' panel in the Dashboard’s top panel will reflect all completed tasks as of date instead of the last 30 days


Projects and Workflows Weekly Updates

August 8, 2023
New Features

Performance enhancements

View project details from the Task page

The project name on the Task page now comes with an option to view the detailed project page.


  • If you enter an incorrect password or your account has been disabled, an appropriate message will be displayed on the login screen.
  • Disabled users will not appear in the user list in the ‘Share Project’ modal.
  • Across the platform, you can view the user name provided in the Profile section. Previously, the user name was getting updated after a Google login.
  • Users who do not have access to a project will see an appropriate message if they click on the project in the Asset Overview section of the Library.
  • We’ve resolved issues that were cropping up with filters on the project list screen.
  • For different due dates, color codes have been updated correctly (black, yellow, and red).

Introducing Gantt charts to your projects!

August 4, 2023
New Features

Feature update

Add another dimension to project management with Gantt charts (Beta)

  • A beta version of the Gantt chart view for projects is now live!
  • You can access this view-only feature from the project list screen. 
  • Switch between views, expand projects to view timelines for each task, and view timelines on a weekly, monthly, or yearly scale.


  • Different due dates were being displayed on the Tasks page than the ones set when any project was started. This was caused by the implementation of due dates at the timezone level and has now been addressed.
  • On the Upload Revision screen, the checklist item was not aligned with the user interface.

Digital Asset Management Weekly Updates

August 3, 2023
New Features


Performance enhancements

Link to Project ID

Assets from any of your projects that are stored in your library will now display the IDs of the relevant projects. Clicking on these IDs will redirect you to the Project Details page.

Comments and annotations

  • You can now mark annotations and leave comments on assets in the library just like you would while proofing during a project.
  • The comments section can be found in the left navigation panel of the asset viewer.
  • When a user is tagged in a comment, an email and in-app notification will be sent to them.
  • Any comments made on assets during reviews will also be visible in the library once the project is completed.

Restore Functionality

  • In the Trash section, assets and folders can now be restored to the library.
  • You can select multiple assets and folders at once to restore them to the library.
  • Any items that are left in the trash section for 30 days will still be permanently deleted.

Experience enhancements

  • We’ve removed blank sections like Insights and Comments from the Dashboard.
  • You can now play videos in .mov format through the asset viewer.
  • User actions like Share, Download, etc have been reordered in a kebab menu and multi-select toolbar for consistency.
  • The 'Select All' button on the multi-select toolbar is more prominent now.
  • We’ve added an ‘Asset ID’ field in the overview section of the asset viewer.
  • We’ve also added toast messages to confirm asset and folder actions such as Download, Add to Favorites, Remove from Favorites, Update Tags, etc
  • The hover & click experience for primary and secondary CTAs is now consistent.

Updated team member actions

  • Team members will now only see actions applicable to them in the Library.
  • The Trash section is hidden for them as they cannot delete any asset.


  • The page refresh experience on different Library pages is now consistent.
  • ‘Select All’ functionality was not working properly inside a folder, this has now been fixed.
  • Multiple clicks on Create Folder while creating a folder are now restricted.

Brand Guidelines 

Performance enhancements

Brand guidelines now have advanced sharing functionality that allows assets' information, download, password protection, and link expiration date to be controlled.

The ability to download images — with options to resize and crop — has also been added to brand guidelines.


Projects and Workflows Weekly Updates

August 3, 2023
New Features

Proofing renderer 

Performance enhancements

File loading time

Files now load faster on the proofing renderer.  Switching to and from Compare mode and switching between different compare modes will now be instant without any delays.

Checklist comments

Preventing the direct opening of the checklist comment box when marking a checklist item as reject or N/A

Zoom functionality

The zoom functionality on the proofing renderer now gives you more options to zoom in and out of any creative:

  • Zoom dropdown on the single file renderer and all compare modes.
  • Marquee zoom on the single file renderer and the side-by-side compare mode.
  • 'Fit to width' and 'Fit to page' on the single file renderer and all compare modes.
  • Blocked pinch and zoom using the keyboard for the Flicker & Difference compare modes.

Experience enhancements

Loading overlay mask

An overlay mask has been added to the proofing renderer on different tasks and functionalities like the compare mode until the file is properly loaded.


Minor experience issues that were affecting the compare mode user experience have now been fixed.

Project details page 

Performance enhancements

Loading time

We’ve improved the performance to load a specific project page with a lot of tasks, assignees, checklists, and other details.

Project ID:

You will now be able to see the Project ID on the screen below the name of the project and in the Project Details section as well.

You can also search for any project using this ID on the project list screen to filter out specific projects.

Decimals for measurement (as per FDA regulations)

In the fonts section, the measurement in inches will now be displayed up to 4 decimals to help users comply with FDA regulations.

Increasing the character limit and allowing additional special characters

The character limit for project name, task name, checklist group, and checklist items has been increased to 100 characters (from 50 characters)

We’ve expanded the list of special characters that can be used within project details, you can now use any of the following characters in your projects: -_()`~!@#$%^&*,+='.

Experience enhancements

  • A new hover state has been added to the assignee section to display the assignee's name on the project details page.
  • An infotip showing the assignee's settings has been added to review tasks.

Copy updates

  • Changed the copy from "Upload File" to "Add New File" in the upload task section.
  • Changed the copy from 'Verified' to 'Approved for Checklist’ item on the review task.

Drag & Drop functionality

Drag and drop functionality is now added to all the tasks and features where ‘Upload from Computer’ was previously available.

Task edit experience update

The previous name or date will no longer be displayed when a user renames a task or changes its due date.


  • Notification and email triggers within Projects now work without inconsistencies.
  • A blank page was shown if the subscription had expired. It will now show a modal with an Upgrade button to the account owner, which will further open the Chargebee portal.

Projects and Workflows Weekly Updates

July 28, 2023
New Features

Project reports

Experience enhancements 

Adding file-level details

Earlier, project reports at individual and account levels only contained information on tasks. Information on the files involved in the projects has now been added to these reports

There are now five additional fields in every report - File Name, File Status, Overall Status, File Version, and File Action Date.

Adding Custom Metadata fields

Alongside file-level details, we will be adding your custom metadata to project reports. This feature is being rolled out gradually and you should see this in your project reports soon.

Proofing renderer

Performance enhancements

Inconsistent overprint preview

Overprint was inconsistent earlier, with users getting overprint from any action on the renderer.

  • Overprint is now turned off by default.
  • When the user switches to the colors section, it will automatically turn on.
  • An info copy has also been provided in the colors section to inform users about the updated experience.

Improving your Studio experience

July 21, 2023
New Features

Performance enhancements

  • We have introduced an infinite scroll feature to the Templates listing page.
  • General improvements have been made to provide a smoother Studio experience.

The canvas loads 3X faster than before, so you can get scaling in no time.

Editor: New features in the mix

  • The Editor now has a Layers tab, giving you the ability to list, move, lock, and hide layers.
  • View fonts in their original style while selecting them from the dropdown menu.

Experience enhancements and updates

We’ve updated the Studio workspace user interface to help you generate and scale creatives with efficiency. You will notice new and updated modals that help you do more with your designs and templates.

  • Template modal when you open a saved template
  • The download modal now provides an option to select a destination folder in your library
  • While deleting bulk-created designs, modals will pop up to confirm the deletion of any size or variation of your design.

Autosave is now live, so any changes you make to your designs won’t be lost. 

Zoom capabilities

Zooming in and out of the canvas is now easier, with new enhancements offering a smoother experience.

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