The artwork management process involves many teams working together to deliver a stellar final product. Do you know the foundation of such a product? It's an artwork management system.
Managing the packaging artwork process is a chaotic task, and after working with numerous clients, we truly get the struggle. This is why we created Artwork Flow, an artwork management platform.
While we won't deep-dive into its qualities here, we have a short guide to help you get your team on-board for adopting this platform- much to everyone's benefit.
Getting Your Team to Adopt Artwork Flow
As a marketing manager, branding manager, or designer, you might have carried out thorough research. Googling various systems and software, you might have compared extensively and now found the perfect one - Artwork Flow.
But, how do you convince those in your company or team to have the same belief? To recognize the golden value of an artwork management system and adopt it (like asap)?
Leverage the following approach for onboarding your colleagues and teams.
1) Understand that all good things (do) take time
Following are some of the largest project management challenges:
- Poorly trained team members
- Juggling various projects
- A lack of project funding
- An inconsistency in approaching solutions
Not everyone will be on board to implement new systems. Your audience will have one group of members who are reluctant to try anything new (whatsoever!) and then there will be another group, with people who are genuinely comfortable with the existing software and hence don’t want a change.
Overall- not everyone is looking forward to your new idea!
2) Convince them that Nemo is missing
Nemo as in the golden one or the final puzzle piece. The first step to finalizing a solution is to know that there is a problem which needs to be solved. That there is something amiss. This is your Nemo.
You've got to convince your team that things can be easier, more efficient, and hassle-free with an artwork management platform.
Address your team by mentioning the problem areas and their offered solutions.
3) Introduce what you know: Artwork Flow
Take the team through your research and introduce them to the solution.
Have the Artwork Flow homepage ready for them to explore and highlight its benefits as they go through it:
- Customizable according to the magnitude of the project
- Can include numerous teams in a project
- Cloud storage facility
- Task allocation and management
- Progress analysis on the dashboard
- Version Control
4) Keep an eye out for challenges
Firstly, you need to be firm in your decision to change.
Secondly, you’ve got to have a strong leadership trait. You have to convince them of the cons of existing processes and the pros of the new one.
Reassure your team members that even though it might take some time, Artwork Flow is beneficial in the end. The work is going to get completed on-time, the process will be made easier, and they’ll be more productive, too.
Just make sure that everyone’s opinion is being valued. Objections and some skepticism are to be anticipated. The best you can do is prepare responses so that benefits for each stakeholder are highlighted. Here are the benefits for...
- Higher management: Having a dedicated and sophisticated system in place reflects professionalism and quality. With the right tool, the team can also work with their full force potential.
- Managers: Managing and keeping track of ongoing, pending, and completed projects will be easier with the custom workflows. They can digitally proof them before approving them, sending to the higher execs, and printing them off.
- The team: The legal, branding, designing, and marketing teams can effortlessly collaborate over as many iterations of the packaging as needed.
5) Battle challenges and roadblocks
To adopt and integrate a new software process wholeheartedly, prepare the team by asking some questions.
Discuss the following questions with your team as you begin to look at Artwork Flow as the holistic artwork solution for your company:
- How would adopting a new platform prove beneficial to the company?
- What main pain points would be addressed? Which ones might still be open?
- How does Artwork Flow address to bridge the communication gap between teams working together?
- What about file storage and accessibility?
- How does it improve efficiency output and track record?
- How well does it work on Auto Proofing?
Inspect each facet of the software to your heart’s content and even book a demo, so everyone can see its features and benefits in action:
- Training the team on Artwork Flow:
When you keep a track record of the work-on-hand and their timelines, all the members will work to be on a single page. This will reduce dependency and accelerate self-growth.
- Working on digital proofing:
Highlight the differences in colors with automated proofing tools to spot discrepancies and changes distinctly.
- Managing deadlines with new software:
Eliminate the challenges of working with numerous teams and on a specific calendar, Artwork Flow has the blueprints to customize workflows and tracking work progress.
*Product Demo* Watch now!
You Got This!
Working in a team or leading it will require you to approach the problems head-on. Finding the best solution to the problems will encourage your team to work on a more productive scale. Artwork Flow can help you do just that.
And isn’t that what your prime responsibility as a manager or designer is? You’ll be executing it properly when you introduce your team to the software!
So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to ditch inefficient processes and step into success with Artwork Flow.
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