Let me ask you a few quick questions. How many people resources does it take to create social media posts? How many images go out on your social media every month? How many videos do you create for Youtube? Well, do you have answers to all these questions? Probably not, right?
In this digital age, it has become increasingly important for brands to create compelling content continuously and win over their target audience. Creating content, however, involves various tools and software — the list is endless!. This can lead to a lot of content and creatives stuck between email loops for approvals, multi-level approvals, and delays in meeting deadlines.
Does all this sound familiar? We might just have the right solution for you.
In this article, we’re going to talk about two infamous technologies, Digital Asset Management (DAM) and Enterprise Content Management (ECM). We will deep dive into what they are, how they are different, and how you can pick the right one for your brand. Let’s get started.

What is DAM?
DAM stands for Digital Asset Management and refers to a system that is designed to store, find, share, version, and access all your assets in one single platform. A digital asset management tool acts like a centralized repository for all your digital brand assets.
A digital asset management tool can include all your digital assets like images, videos, audio files, presentations, documents, and much more. A digital asset management software goes much beyond asset sharing — it also helps in storing, organizing, and managing these digital assets. It also provides tools for searching, retrieving, and distributing assets across different marketing channels, and touchpoints.

Most popular digital asset management software offer extensive features like metadata management, smart tagging, auto-search, version control, online proofing, and asset tracking. Digital asset management tools also offer workflow automation, enabling users to streamline the approval and review process, track assets, and monitor usage and analytics of every specific asset. The most underrated benefit of using a digital asset management tool is that it not only makes it easier for teams to collaborate and share content but also improves brand consistency and makes brand teams more productive.
What is ECM?
ECM stands for Enterprise Content Management, which refers to a system that helps brands to manage all kinds of content that is produced within an organization. The word ‘content’ here includes that created for both physical and digital spaces, including emails, web content, paper files, social media copy, and so much more. Similar to digital asset management tools, ECM systems also offer features for storing, managing, and saving content. They also help in searching and sharing content across different teams. ECM systems offer features such as document management, records management, workflow automation, and security and compliance.
What are the differences between DAM and ECM?
DAM and ECM can look synonymous on the front, but they really are two different yet significant systems every organization must have. Here are some key differences between DAM and ECM systems.
1. Purpose
The primary purpose of a digital asset management system is to organize, store, manage, proof, review, and track all kinds of digital assets within the organization. An enterprise content management system, on the other hand, focuses on managing content such as documents, letters, web content, and much more. types of content alone.
2. Asset types
With a digital asset management tool you can manage all kinds of digital assets which include rich media content like creatives, images, audio and video files. On the other hand, an enterprise content management system is designed to manage documents, emails, and web-based content.
3. Use case
When compared to an enterprise content management system, a digital asset management tool like Artwork Flow offers a variety of features that include online proofing, metadata management, smart tagging, version control, asset storage, workflow automation tracking, and so on. While the latter only offers features such as document and record management.
4. Integrations
Most popular digital asset management tools are designed in such a way that they can be easily integrated into content management systems, marketing platforms, and even social media platforms. Whereas ECM systems are usually integrated with HR operations and customer relationship management systems.

Why should brands have a digital asset management system?
In the current world, where marketing is more modern and dynamic, it is important for brands to create digital assets that stand out from the competition. Here are some reasons why brands should have digital asset management systems.
1. A centralized platform
The most important benefit of using a digital asset management system is that it offers a centralized platform to store all your digital assets. It helps internal teams, external collaborators, and third-party vendors to access all digital assets anywhere, anytime.
2. Increased collaboration
With remote and hybrid work becoming popular, collaboration across teams has become an increasingly important issue to be addressed. With team members spread across remote locations, it is difficult to ensure that all of them are on the same page. In such cases, a digital asset management system can help in collaborating more efficiently while ensuring the safety and security of all your digital assets. Similar to DAM systems, there are several mobile ECM systems that also allow remote collaboration across teams.
3. Brand consistency
The only way you can make a long lasting impression in the minds of your target audience, is to show up consistently. In order to show up consistently and make an impression, you need to ensure that your branding is on point. It is here that a digital asset management system can come into play and ensure these boxes are checked off the list. A digital asset management system can help in maintaining consistency of all your digital assets and ensure consistency across different channels and touchpoints of the brand.
4. Brand compliance
Whether you run a skincare brand or a pet food brand, it is important to ensure that your packaging labels, creatives, and all your digital assets are in line with the industry standards. A digital asset management system ensures that all your digital assets comply with the regulatory bodies. A good DAM system ensures that your brand complies with all relevant laws and regulations.
5. Better insights
Many digital asset management systems provide valuable insights and information into how each and every digital asset you create has been performing with the potential target audience. They offer exclusive analytics and insights that organizations can use to optimize their entire content strategy and improve their marketing and branding efforts.

In conclusion, while DAM and ECM may sound similar, there are significant differences between the two systems. A digital asset management system is focused on managing digital assets, while an enterprise content management system is focused on managing all types of content. The single line of difference between a digital asset management system and enterprise content management system is that one primarily manages all your digital assets, whereas the latter is designed for automating business processes. If you are looking for a centralized platform that can help you manage the entire lifecycle of your digital assets in a smart and intuitive way, it’s time to check out Artwork Flow. Start your seven-day free trial and effortlessly manage your creative process from start to finish.