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April 19, 2023
June 22, 2023

Efficiently Manage Your Tech Brand Assets with These Industry-leading Tools

Mitha Shameer

Efficiently Manage Your Tech Brand Assets with These Industry-leading Tools

April 18, 2023
June 22, 2023
Mitha Shameer


As a tech company, you know how important it is to keep track of your brand assets. This can be a daunting task, but with the right Brand Asset Management (BAM) platform, you can efficiently manage your digital assets while saving time and resources. In this blog, we will discuss the top 5 BAM platforms for tech brands.

Why is a brand asset management tool needed for tech companies?

Brand Asset Management (BAM) tools are essential for technology companies to effectively manage their digital assets. But why do tech companies need these tools in the first place? 

Technology companies often have a large number of digital assets, ranging from logos to product images to videos. These assets need to be organized and easily accessible for the company's marketing and design teams to create content quickly and efficiently. A BAM tool allows you to centralize your digital assets, making it easier to find what you need when you need it. 

As technology companies grow, the number of people who need access to brand assets increases. This can lead to inconsistencies in branding and messaging, which can negatively impact the company's image. A BAM tool helps ensure that everyone has access to the latest versions of the brand assets and can adhere to branding guidelines, resulting in a more cohesive and consistent brand identity. 

Furthermore, with the rise of social media and the need for companies to produce content quickly, BAM tools are becoming even more critical. The ability to collaborate in real time, create approval workflows, and access analytics and reporting features are just a few examples of how BAM tools can streamline content creation and help companies stay ahead of the competition.

1. Artwork Flow 

Artwork Flow is a creative collaboration and brand asset management software that provides efficient management of your brand assets, including logos, fonts, images, and videos. The platform offers a range of features, such as asset organization, version control, and permission management. It also provides real-time collaboration and approval workflows to streamline the creative process.

Top features: 

  • Asset organization and version control
  • Permission management and access control. 
  • Real-time collaboration and approval workflows. 
  • Customizable brand guidelines.
  • Comprehensive reporting and analytics.
  • Create automation and scaling.


  • No free version.
  • Limited mobile support.

Best suited for:

Marketing, brand, and design teams who want to streamline their brand asset management process.

2. Bynder 

Bynder is a brand asset management system that enables businesses to organize and share their brand assets with ease. It's an excellent all-purpose solution for companies of all sizes. It offers services like image design, video editing, and conversion for print-ready files.

Top features: 

  • Supports intricate file story and metadata information. 
  • Collaboration and editing options are available for users.
  • Offers video editing and conversion for print-ready files.


  • The user interface can be overwhelming.
  • The pricing model might not be suitable for small businesses.
  • Steep learning curve. 

Best suited for:

Large enterprises that require collaboration and a vast storage capacity.

3. Widen Collective

Widen Collective is a cloud-based platform that offers brand asset management solutions for businesses. The software’s AI-powered search function makes it easy to locate brand assets. You can delegate tasks to your team with workflows and manage your brand assets from a central location.

Top features: 

  • Customizable branding guidelines. 
  • Real-time collaboration and approval workflows. 
  • Integration with popular design software. 
  • User-friendly interface. 


  • User interface can be confusing for inexperienced users.
  • The pricing model may not be suitable for small businesses

Best suited for:

Mid-sized businesses that require a user-friendly DAM solution.

4. Frontify 

Frontify is an excellent brand management software for visualizing product designs and brand guidelines. It has a library of resources that includes logos, images, fonts, and other visual assets. This platform enables companies to create custom branding style guides and track the consistency of brand assets across different channels.

Top features: 

  • Create style guides with custom brand guidelines.
  • Track the consistency of brand assets across different channels.
  • Provides a library of resources including visuals and logo


  • The free version offers limited access to the library. 
  • High pricing for advanced features.

Best suited for:

Companies that require maintaining consistency in their branding across different channels.

5. Brandfolder 

Brandfolder is a brand asset management platform that offers branding software to maximize ROI for businesses. Its cloud-based platform allows companies to grant access to their brand assets to their internal and external users. Also, it offers custom domain options to clients, enabling them to have their unique URL.

Top features: 

  • Cloud-based platform with customizable options for clients. 
  • Easily grant access to internal and external users. 
  • Offers custom domain options.


  • The pricing model may not suit small or medium-sized businesses.
  • The organizational structure might not suit all businesses.

Best suited for:

Enterprises that require a simple and user-friendly DAM solution.

Wrapping up

Selecting the right BAM platform is crucial for efficient brand asset management. Consider your business requirements and budget to select the platform that best suits your needs. Whether you choose Artwork Flow or any of the other platforms mentioned in this blog, make sure it aligns with your goals and makes digital asset management a breeze.

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