Our most requested feature of the current quarter was an analytics dashboard. Guess what feature has been shipped before the quarter is over?
Yes, Dashboards.
Let me explain a little in detail.
Artwork Flow already provided detailed project level metrics, audit logs and file statuses, basically covering every facet of an artwork approval project management process. These features provided you with information on the stage of a file, any delays associated with a project, and checklist items that have been or were pending to be approved by your team.
What was missing was a complete breakdown of how our team was performing.
The answer is 4 simple widgets. Navigate over to your Dashboard here.
Widget 1 - Team Tasks:

The purpose of this widget is to give you a straight forward summary of tasks pending on your team. We give you a simple breakdown by,
- Overdue Tasks (number of tasks that have crossed their due date and are not complete)
- Tasks due today (pretty straightforward there)
- Tasks due this week (tasks due from Monday through Sunday of the current week)
- Rejected Tasks (number of artwork revision tasks that are generated by a rejection of the file in your projects)
Pro-tip: Bring your overdue team tasks to 0, and keep rejections low. A high number of rejected tasks could indicate that your internal SoPs aren't well refined or your designers aren't getting the right briefs.
Widget 2 - User Tasks:

While we covered a total count of tasks under Team Tasks, you would also like to know the efficiency of individual users in your organisation.
This widget provides 4 tabs:
- All Open Tasks (task count by assigned users that are yet to be completed)
- This bar graph is further broken down by open tasks that are overdue (represented in red) and on track (represented by blue)
Pro-tip: The count of open tasks indicates the current workload of every user. A large proportion of red indicates that your timelines or TATs may not be realistic. You should always prefer a smaller graph full of blue over a large graph with more red.
- Rejected Tasks (number of files rejected by reviewers and are currently due for amendments)
- This bar graph is also broken down into blue and red that represent on time and overdue tasks respectively
Pro-tip: If you have just one designer in your organization, the count here will be the same as 'Rejected' tasks in widget 1. It is always a good idea to rein in your rejected tasks so that project timelines don't go for a toss.
- Completed Tasks (this is a total count of all the tasks completed by your team members in the last 3 months)
- Similar to the other widgets, blue represents tasks completed on time and red indicates tasks that were overdue when they were completed
Pro-tip: Appreciate the users who have a tall bar graph and mostly blue. These are the users who have been powering your use of Artwork Flow.
- Overdue Tasks (this is a simple subset of 'All Open Tasks', giving you a snapshot of tasks that have crossed their due date and are not complete)
- Obvious to say, but this graph will only be in red, since it covers only overdue tasks
Pro-tip: If you have only a few mins to read the dashboard, do keep an eye out on this tab. Overdue tasks result in delayed projects and hence, slower GTM. Since this graph also breaks the overdue tasks down by user, you will be aware of which users are completing their tasks on time or which team members are inefficient, or in some cases, overloaded with work.
Widget 3 - Project Status:

This is the go-to widget for all details regarding your projects. Projects are the core of Artwork Flow, and good projects' health will indicate an optimal usage of the platform by your team.
This widget covers the following data:
- Active Projects (these are all projects created by your team and include Ongoing, Delayed and Yet to Start projects)
Pro-tip: Your active projects tab reflects the current health of your projects, so try and ensure you have a high % of ahead of schedule projects.
- Completed Projects (these are all the completed projects by your team)
Pro-tip: While active projects are important from a perspective of your current product launches, it is necessary to look back once in a while to ensure that the project history also indicates a high level of time efficiency. This selection gives you a birds eye view of your historic usage on Artwork Flow.
Widget 4 - Project Completion Performance:

This widget covers the following data:
- Project Completion Performance (over the last month, 3 months and 6 months)
Pro-tip: This widget allows you to select a time period and understand the number of projects completed week on week during this interval. This section will allow you to also understand the peak time periods with regards to your artwork approval process.
Other Features just about to released:
1. Improvements in Audit Logs
One of the pain points of users adding multiple files to projects was the inability of sorting through the audit log of each file. We have added a file level filter in audit logs. Simply select a file and view actions taken on that specific file including approvals, rejections et al.
We also went ahead and added a 'print' option on audit logs if you would like to save or print file specific details for any audit or compliance requirements
2. Deletion of Artwork File
This is one of those really small features that exponentially improves your experience on Artwork Flow. Imagine a wrong file uploaded by your designer or a specific product's launch is delayed or put on hold - without an option to delete that artwork, your project's completion metrics will get affected as a result.
With the launch of this feature, a project manager or admin can simply delete an artwork file. Do note that files deleted through this feature are not retrievable and any review tasks associated with this file are removed from your assignees' dashboards.
3. Force Logout
This is an enterprise only feature that will allow you to define an auto-logout period and your users will be automatically logged out after every session. This should ideally be used if your organisation mandates such security protocols. This feature is available only for Admins under 'Settings'.
Upcoming Features In January:
- In last month's post, I also talked about the ability to define your own organisational hierarchy to categorise and filter your projects. This is a fairly large feature under development and you will see more details in our next feature update post. Note that this will be an enterprise only feature
- Another feature that is taking up our time is the ability to seamlessly share your artworks with your vendors and getting any separated artworks or print proofs from them for verification. There are ways to do this currently - via creating separate projects for your vendors and adding them as external users. We will be integrating your internal approval projects and any vendor related approvals within the same project screen
- Finally, we will be shortly releasing a feature that will allow you to add your 'Teams' on workflows. I think that this is one of those hero features that you need and deserve and we will talk more about is soon!