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The State of Packaging Reviews in 2024

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This is some text inside of a div block.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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AI Trends in Creative Operations 2024

We surveyed 100+ marketers and creative operations leaders across the globe to understand how AI will impact their daily work. Download this guide today to see which AI trends will see an uplift in 2024.

What’s inside: Global leaders’ AI outlook



Want to save time spent on mundane
day-to-day tasks



Want to implement generative AI tools in 2024



Believe that their day-to-day tasks will become AI-enabled in 2024

Why you need to read this report

AI is here to stay. However, a lot of people don’t understand how to pilot generative AI in creative operations.

Read this report to:
  • Understand the future of AI in creative operations.
  • See what industry leaders and early movers think of AI.
  • Check out the different uses creative operations experts see for AI.

About this report

We surveyed over 100 creative operations leaders and marketers across the globe on which AI trends are seeing an uplift as we approach 2024.

The Essential Guide to


Label Compliance

Learn how you can proof smarter, comply better, and hit the shelves faster than ever before!
Download now
The FDA recalls over 1000 pharmaceutical products every year for regulatory breaches. A single recall could cost up to $600 million.

Navigating the shifting sands of regulatory affairs

Building a product label is more than just a creative affair. While creating any label, your team must carefully assemble the complex set of blocks prescribed by your friendly neighborhood regulatory body. 

Whether it’s the fan-favorite Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommending essential disclaimers for food and drug safety or the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) doing its best to ensure the safe use of potentially hazardous chemicals, every label is rightfully scanned with keen eyes before it gets the final go-ahead.

In this guide, we will take a closer look at how every industry ensures its labels comply with every norm and how smart technology can be the friendly partner you need to keep yourself ahead in the ever-shifting environment of regulatory affairs.

Automation opportunities ripe for the taking

Labeling operations have been increasingly automated in recent years. Product development and creative teams at large have happily adopted and found significant success with project management tools like, Asana, Trello, and the like.

However, there’s still a whole world of label management automation just waiting to be explored. Foodborne illnesses continue to cost the economy in billions every year, owing to mislabeled products, undiscovered allergens, or the accidental contamination of products.

For companies operating within the food and beverage, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries, non-compliant labels could even put the lives of their consumers at immediate risk. When the stakes are this high, the right technology could play a significant role in mitigating the risks of pushing out non-compliant labels into a market with zero room for errors.

According to a study by the Ohio State University, foodborne illnesses cost the US economy anywhere between $55 billion to $93.2 billion.

It’s ‘Human and AI’ not ‘Human or AI’

When the Pew Research Center carried out its Future of the Internet survey in 2014, nearly half of all respondents believed that AI and robots could displace several blue-collar and white-collar jobs by 2025.

On to 2022 and at least 3 in 4 respondents of the Media & Technology Survey — conducted by Boston University’s College of Communication in partnership with Ipsos — felt it might not be such a good idea to replace humans with AI.

In 2023, Artwork Flow conducted its own survey across verticals ranging from food and beverage to healthcare and direct to consumer. Among our many discoveries, we learned that:
  • Over 75% of respondents felt AI would not affect team size in any way. 
  • 85% of respondents believed their tasks would be AI-enabled in 2024.
  • Over 90% of respondents felt that AI can help them save time.
If the writing wasn’t on the wall already, then constant research and analysis have helped put it up in bold:

AI-powered solutions can be handy copilots — gliding through the cold winters of mundane grunt work, so you can bask in the balmy summers of endless innovation.

Automating regulatory affairs with smart solutions

For a domain with such a low margin for error, regulatory affairs could benefit greatly from a little AI action meeting human effort. 

This is where a solution like ComplyAI by Artwork Flow steps in to fill a glaring void. With a wide array of advanced rules to review creatives automatically, ComplyAI has been carefully designed to address the complexities involved in label proofing and compliance.

What does ComplyAI do?

In simple terms, ComplyAI helps you set up your regulatory framework online and check every label against it using automated proofing. Here’s how it happens:

  • You set up your rulebook with all the rules you need.
  • Use rules to verify essential information, logos, font configuration, and more.
  • Open any label in your collection and run the rulebook over it.
  • Any errors and matches will show up in a detailed results card.
  • Click on any match or error to redirect to the section of the label instantly.
  • You can then annotate and tag your team on the label to make changes right away.
  • You can also run checks over sections of the file for better results.

And the best part: you can build conditional rules on language, images, and fonts so that rules are only applied under any specific instances that you define.

Download the complete guide to see how regulatory compliance can be automated for your industry!

  • Automate checks for everything from key allergen information to proper use of logos and icons.
  • Run different rules on different parts of your artwork based on your requirements.
  • Verify mandatory disclaimers and warnings as per regulatory guidelines instantly.

Embracing innovation and technology to streamline compliance and workflows for faster time-to-market.

Download now

2024 is a year like no other. 

Consumer demands for sustainability, transparency, and ecommerce compatibility have skyrocketed. Regulatory requirements, too, are more intricate than ever. Brands need to go beyond just visually appealing packaging and embody the values today’s customers prioritize to have a leg up over the competition.

Are packaging teams keeping up?

The 2024 packaging landscape is fierce and competitive. It demands speed, accuracy, transparency, and strict adherence to regulations. 

The cost of inefficiency, after all, is very high. A workflow mired with outdated processes and manual reviews can create delays in product launches, causing brands to lose out to competition. 

Delayed GTM also has financial consequences. A small hold-up in the packaging workflow can lead to ​​lost sales opportunities, wasted marketing spend, and potential storage costs. Inefficient workflows can also trigger labeling errors and recalls, further increasing the financial burden on brands through additional costs like product retrieval, disposal, re-labeling, potential fines, and reputational damage.


of the packaging professionals surveyed admit to having faced a recall in their careers.

About this report

This report attempts to understand the state of packaging reviews to see if brands around the world are rising to meet these challenges. We surveyed over one hundred NPD, packaging innovation, and regulatory professionals from top companies like Abbott, Unilever, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, and more. We then studied each of their answers to collate all our insights into the following key areas:

  • The intricate web of teams involved in packaging reviews.
  • The packaging process of today and the limitations of outdated methods.
  • Ensuring compliance in a dynamic regulatory environment and the potential consequences of non-compliance.
  • The power of technology to revolutionize workflows, compliance, communication, and collaboration.
Chapter 1

Packaging in 2024:
A Process Overview

Stakeholders, reviews, and approvals

Our survey revealed that packaging is no one-team-job. It definitely takes a village. 

A packaging design file involves several moving parts. Starting from the copy and design to ensuring the right ingredient information, branding, and regulatory information, several tiny things need to work together harmoniously to achieve a ready-for-market packaging design. 

In this chapter, we will look at how our respondents approach their packaging review processes.

Packaging is a multi-team effort

Packaging assets go through several hoops and hands before they evolve into their final form with shelf appeal. From procurement to purchasing, here are all the teams majorly involved in getting a product on the shelf.

Beyond core teams like New Product Development, Quality Assurance, and Regulatory Affairs, the survey also revealed a broader spectrum of stakeholders involved in the packaging review process, depending on the company structure and product complexity. These additional teams may include operations, procurement, corporate branding, manufacturing, R&D, and purchasing.

This diversity highlights the lack of a one-size-fits-all approach to packaging reviews. The specific teams involved in each company’s packaging process likely depends on factors such as internal expertise, product category, and regulatory requirements.

Does work really flow?

We also surveyed these packaging professionals about their day-to-day workflows to clearly understand the structure, efficiency, and potential challenges involved in packaging reviews globally.

Considering the diverse list of packaging professionals we surveyed, the way they structure their workflows is just as varying.

Linear, with sequential approvals from each department
Hybrid, with a combination of linear and parallel steps
Parallel, with simultaneous reviews by multiple departments

Primary methods of reviewing

Despite variations in workflow structures, the respondents were almost unanimous in their reliance on manual methods for reviewing packaging assets. A staggering majority (60.3%) still depends on shared documents and physical samples to review packaging assets. Nearly half of the respondents also prefer the back and forth of email to get an artwork reviewed and approved. 

However, there is a glimmer of hope. 43% of these packaging professionals also use online review platforms to collaborate on artwork. This adoption, although not yet a majority, suggests a growing openness to digital solutions.

Manual methods have the most takers, even if a significant percentage of respondents use online review platforms

“Food & Beverage packaging touches a lot of hands in an organization and is a huge interdepartmental effort. Brand, marketing, regulatory, product and operations, to name a few, optimize packaging against various rubrics and when communication isn't clear and linear, especially in a time crunch, changes can occur that jeopardize the integrity of the package. It's incredibly important to have a structured and visible review process to get the best packaging in a timely manner and avoid finished product surprises!”

Matthew Held
Director of R&D, MUD/WTR

Want to keep reading? Download the complete report to see where the packaging world is headed

Download the report to unlock the remaining chapters on:

  • Packaging review challenges teams around the world face.
  • Technology adoption in packaging workflows
  • Regulatory compliance challenges and opportunities.
  • How to ensure efficiency and compliance with AI.
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